In data mercoledì 4 agosto 2010 18:38:08, T o n g ha scritto:

> Debian Live supports mutli-layerd stacked squashfs file systems, but so
> far not a tools that I know of can build such stacked squashfs Live
> system.

Great news, when I added stacked fs support in casper I also begin to write 
some live-package code to enable building with it, but it was so out of live-
helper ways of doing things that I let that code rot ;-)

Nice that someone filled the gap!

> Most importantly, it’ll be much faster. Suppose your stacked live system
> is layered like the following:
>    1. All console tools
>    2. Xorg + lightweight window manager + essential X tools like gparted
>    3. Heavy weight desktop system (Gnome/Kde)
>    4. Occasionally used applications (KOffice/Latex)

Exactly what I had in mind that times, I'm really happy !


Do you already thought if this could be cleanly integrated in live-build?


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