On 7 June 2010 13:14, Michal Suchanek <michal.sucha...@ruk.cuni.cz> wrote:
> Package: live-helper
> Version: 2.0~a14-1
> Severity: normal
> After unpacking the attached config into an empty directory running lh
> build twice results in live-helper performing all the build steps three
> times.
> When the directory contains nothing but the auto/ directory the build
> runs only once but rebuilding after a clean runs build twice.

This is apparently caused by using an auto/build script.

The script has: lh build noauto "$@" 2>&1 | tee build.log

However, only the first run is logged in build.log, the second run is
executed by l-h outside of this script.

I noticed because the build.log shows a failed build (due to plymouth
preventing configuration of linux-image) but the build was actually



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