On 07/27/2010 02:51 PM, Marco Amadori wrote:
> 06:26 <CIA-6> amadorim debian-next * r4f2a2e4 live-build/debian/control: 
> 06:26 <CIA-6> Typo: live-helper should depend on live-boot.
> 06:26 <CIA-6> Signed-off-by: Marco Amadori <amado...@vdavda.com>

part of 2.0~a21 which i've just uploaded, thanks marco for spotting it
and sorry for the breakage.

regarding snapshots (times are utc):

13:18:30 < SynrG> what's the trigger to do a new build? manual?
13:19:26 < dba> SynrG: during debcamp/debconf, yes
13:20:01 < SynrG> ah, ok
13:20:07 < dba> SynrG: after a couple of commits, when i feel almost
sure that stuff works, i'll do
                trigger it manually
13:20:11 < SynrG> nodnod
13:20:21 < SynrG> so, just bad timing on my part :)
13:20:23 < dba> otherwise, people would have too much broken stuff in
the 'intermediate' time
13:20:37 < dba> so i though this is kind to do :)
13:21:03 < SynrG> yes, indeed :)

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baum...@panthera-systems.net
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