
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Diederik de Haas <> wrote:
> Hello,
> A lot of ppl nowadays only have/use a wireless network.
> On my custom LiveCDs I include non-free in the sources and install as many 
> firmware packages as
> possible to cover as many wireless devices as possible.
> But for Debian and DebianLive this is not possible/wanted.
> What can be done to make it as easy as possible for users of the LiveCDs to 
> use their wireless
> network? Both for ppl who have (some) knowledge of Debian, but also for ppl 
> who's first encounter
> with Debian is a LiveCD?
> So far I've come up with (only) 2 things:
> 1. Create a wireless.README (or sth) which explains what to do to enable 
> wireless
> 2. Include build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r) packages in the 
> livecd, so that building
> modules (if needed) is as easy as possible.
> What do you think about this and/or what can be done to make wireless support 
> as smooth as possible?

How about just making a list say like wireless-minimal and
wireless-gnome and include all you think is needed for wireless. Then
folks who want that will have a couple of choices.

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