On Tuesday 13 October 2009, 14:40:13, Шварц Сергей Владимирович wrote:

> 1. dd if=debian-live-502-i386-standard.img of=/dev/sdb
> 2. added 'persistent' option in live.cfg file
> 3. created second partition labeled live-rw and ext2 file system
>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sdb1   *           1         125      146431+   b  W95 FAT32
> /dev/sdb2             125        6635     7682868   83  Linux
> When the system boots for the first time it populates live-rw partition.
> While the system works live-rw is mounted as /live/cow
> It boots, it works, but it doesn't save any changes to live-rw.

copy there the output of cat /proc/mounts, this could help, but:

> May be I've missed something?

You probably hit a live-initramfs bug, it should be fixed on squeeze's 
version, would you like to retry with an updated image?


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