Package: live-helper
Severity: wishlist
Version: 1.0.5-1
Tags: +patch


Please include the provided file (or something like it) containing most of the 
possible vars as
reference to be used with lh_config --conffile option.

Each part is documented following live-helper manpage.

Thanks in advance.

 Dario Minnucci (midget) <>
 Phone: +34 902021030 | Fax: +34 902024417 | Support: +34 807450000
 Key fingerprint = 62FF F60F CE79 9CE4 EBA8  523F FC84 1B2D 82C8 B711


# conffile.template - Provides a configuration template to be used with 
# lh_config --conffile option
# Copyright (C) 2009 Dario Minnucci (midget) <>
# conffile.template comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING.
# This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
# under certain conditions; see COPYING for details.

# config/common
# --apt apt|aptitude
#   defines  if  apt-get  or  aptitude  is  used  to install packages when 
building the image. When building etch
#   images, this defaults to aptitude. Every other distribution defaults to apt.

# --apt-ftp-proxy URL
#   sets the ftp proxy to be used by apt. By default, this is empty but if the 
host has the environment  variable
#   ftp_proxy set, apt-ftp-proxy gets automatically set to the value of 

# --apt-http-proxy URL
#   sets the http proxy to be used by apt. By default, this is empty but if the 
host has the environment variable
#   http_proxy set, apt-http-proxy gets automatically set to the value of 

# --apt-pdiffs enabled|disabled
#   defines whetever apt should use incremental package indices feature or not. 
This is enabled by default.

# --apt-options OPTION|
#   defines the default options that will be appended to every apt call that is 
made  inside  chroot  during  the
#   building of the image. By default, this is set to --yes to allow 
non-interactive installation of packages.

# --aptitude-options OPTION|"OPTIONS"
#   defines  the  default  options that will be appended to every aptitude call 
that is made inside chroot during
#   building of the image. By default, this is set to --assume-yes to allow 
non-interactive installation of pack-
#   ages.

# --apt-pipeline FIXME

# --apt-recommends enabled|disabled
#    defines  if  apt  should install recommended packages automatically. By 
default, this is enable in the debian
#    mode and disabled in emdebian mode.

# --apt-secure enabled|disabled
#   defines if apt should check repository signatures. This is enabled by 

# --bootstrap cdebootstrap|cdebootstrap-static|debootstrap|copy
#   defines which program is used to bootstrap the debian chroot, default is 
debootstrap. Note that  if  you  set
#   the  bootstrap  program  to  copy,  then  your host system is copied. This 
can be usefull if you want to con-
#   vert/clone your existing host system into a live system, however, make sure 
you do have enough free space  as
#   this can, depending on your host system, get quite big.

# --cache enabled|disabled
#   defines globally if any cache should be used at all. Different caches can 
be controled through the their  own
#   options.

# --cache-indices enabled|disabled
#   defines  if  downloaded  package indices and lists should be cached which 
is disabled by default. Enabling it
#   would allow to rebuild an image completely offline, however, you would not 
get updates anymore then.

# --cache-packages enabled|disabled
#   defines if downloaded packages files should be cached which is enabled by 
default.  Disabling  it  does  save
#   space consumtion in your build directory, but remember that you will cause 
much unnecessary traffic if you do
#   a couple of rebuilds. In general you should always leave it enabled, 
however, in some particular  rare  build
#   setups,  it  can be faster to refetch packages from the local network 
mirror rather than to utilize the local
#   disk.

# --cache-stages enabled|disabled|STAGE|"STAGES"
#   sets which stages should be cached. By default set to bootstrap. As an 
exception to the normal  stage  names,
#   also   rootfs   can  be  used  here  which  does  only  cache  the  
generated  root  filesystem  in  filesys-
#   tem.{dir,ext*,squashfs}. This is usefull during development if you want to 
rebuild the binary stage  but  not
#   regenerate the root filesystem all the time.

# --debconf-frontend dialog|editor|noninteractive|readline
#   defines  what value the debconf frontend should be set to inside the 
chroot. Note that setting it to anything
#   by noninteractive, which is the default, makes your build asking questions 
during the build.

# --debconf-nowarnings enabled|disabled
#   defines if warnings of debconf should be displayed or not. Warnings from 
debconf are generally very rare  and
#   by default, we skipp them, if any, in order to keep the build process 
entirely non interactive.

# --debconf-priority low|medium|high|critical
#   defines  what  value the debconf priority shoul dbe set to inside the 
chroot. By default, it is set to criti-
#   cal, which means that almost none questions are displayed. Note that this 
only has an effect if you  use  any
#   debconf frontend different from noninteractive.

# --initramfs auto|live-initramfs|casper
#   sets  the  name of package that contains the live system specific initramfs 
modification. By default, auto is
#   used, which means that at build time of the image rather than  on  
configuration  time,  the  value  will  be
#   expanded to casper when building etch systems and to live-initramfs for all 
other systems.

# --fdisk fdisk|fdisk.dist
#   sets the filename of the fdisk binary from the host system that should be 
used. This is autodetected and does
#   generally not need any customization.

# --losetup losetup|losetup.orig
#   sets  the  filename  of the losetup binary from the host system that should 
be used. This is autodetected and
#   does generally not need any customization.

# --mode debian|emdebian
#   defines a global mode to load project specific defaults. By default this is 
set to debian.

# --root-command sudo
#   controls if live-helper should use sudo internally to build the live image. 
Note that this is not well tested
#   and that you should, when relaying on sudo, call the individual live-helper 
command with sudo itself.

# --use-fakeroot enabled|disabled

# --tasksel aptitude|tasksel
#   selects which program is used to install tasks. By default, this is set to 

# --includes PATH
#   sets the path to the includes that live-helper is going to use, e.g. 
additional  minimal  documentation  that
#   you want to have on all live systems. By default, this is set to 

# --templates PATH
#   sets the path to the templates that live-helper is going to use, e.g. for 
bootloaders. By  default,  this  is
#   set to /usr/share/live-helper/templates/.

# config/bootstrap
# -a|--architecture ARCHITECTURE
#  defines the architecture of the to be build image. By default, this is set 
to  the  host  architecture.  Note
#  that  you  cannot crossbuild for another architecture if your host system is 
not able to execute binaries for
#  the target architecture natively. For example, building amd64 images on i386 
and vice versa is possile if you
#  have  a  64bit  capable i386 processor and the right kernel. But building 
powerpc images on an i386 system is
#  not possible.

# --bootstrap-config FILE
#   sets  a  custom configuration file for the boostrap programm of choice and 
is empty by default. Refere to the
#   documentation of debootstrap or cdebootstrap for more information about 
that. When the bootstrap  program  is
#   set to copy, this has no effect.

# -f|--bootstrap-flavour minimal|standard
#   defines  if the bootstrap program should bootstrap the standard system (all 
packages of priority required and
#   important, which is the default) or a minimal system (only packages of 
priority required, plus apt).

# --bootstrap-keyring PACKAGE
#   sets the archive keyring package to be used. Default is 

# -d|--distribution CODENAME
#   defines the distribution of the resulting live system.

# -m|--mirror-bootstrap URL
#   sets the location of the debian package mirror that should be used to 
bootstrap from.

# --mirror-chroot URL
#   sets  the location of the debian package mirror that will be used to fetch 
the packages in order to build the
#   live system. By default, this points to 
which may not be a good  default  if
#   you live outside the U.S.

# --mirror-chroot-security URL
#   sets  the  location of the debian security package mirror that will be used 
to fetch the packages in order to
#   build the live system. By default, this points to

# --mirror-binary URL
#   sets  the location of the debian package mirror that should end up 
configured in the final image and which is
#   the one a user would see and use. This has not necessarily to be the same 
that is used to  build  the  image,
#   e.g.  if  you use a local mirror but want to have an official mirror in the 
image. By default, the same value
#   that is used for --mirror-chroot is used here unless specified different.

# --mirror-binary-security URL
#   sets the location of the debian security package mirror that should end up 
configuered in the final image. By
#   default, the same value that is used for --mirror-chroot-security is used 
here unless specified different.

# --categories)

# config/chroot
# --chroot-filesystem ext2|ext3|squashfs|plain|jffs2
#   defines  which  filesystem  type  should  be  used  for  the root 
filesystem image. If you use plain, then no
#   filesystem image is created and the root filesystem content is copied on 
the binary image filesystem as  flat
#   files.  Depending  on  what  binary filesystem you have choosen, it may not 
be possible to build with a plain
#   root filesystem, e.g. fat16/fat32 and plain don't work as linux does not 
support to run on them.

# --virtual-root-filesystem ext3
#   defines what filesystem to format the root filesystem when building 
virtual-hdd images.

# --union-filesystem aufs|unionfs
#   defines  whetever to use UnionFS or Aufs as stackable unification 
filesystem. When building etch images, this
#   defaults to unionfs, everywhere else to aufs.

# --virtual-root-size MB
#   defines what size the virtual-hdd image should be. Note that although the 
default is set to 10000  (=  10GB),
#   it will not need 10GB space on your harddisk as the files are created as 
sparse files.

# --exposed-root enabled|disabled

# --hooks FILE
#   defines  which  hooks available in /usr/share/live-helper/examples/hooks 
should be activated. Normally, there
#   are no hooks executed. Make sure you know and understood the hook before 
you enable it.

# --interactive shell
#   defines  if  after  the  chroot stage and before the beginning of the 
binary stage, a interactive shell login
#   should be spawned in the chroot in order to allow you to do manual 
customizations. Once you close  the  shell
#   with  logout  or  exit, the build will continue as usual. Note that it's 
strongly discouraged to use this for
#   anything else than testing. Modifications that should be present in all 
builds of a  live  system  should  be
#   properly  made  through hooks. Everything else destroys the beauty of being 
able to completely automatise the
#   build process and making it non interactive. By default, this is of course 

# --keyring-packages PACKAGE|
#   sets the keyring package or additional keyring packages. By default this is 
set to debian-archive-keyring.

# -l|--language LANGUAGE
#   sets  the language of a live system by installing l10n related packages and 
enables generation of the correct
#   locales through automatically setting the right boot parameters. 

# -k|--linux-flavours FLAVOUR|
#   sets the kernel flavours to be installed. Note that in case you specify 
more than that the first will be con-
#   figured the default kernel that gets bootet.

# --linux-packages
#   sets  the  internal  name of the kernel packges naming scheme. If you use 
debian kernel packges, you will not
#   have to adjust it. If you decide to use custom kernel packages that do not 
follow the debian  naming  scheme,
#   remember  to  set  this option to the stub of the packages only (for debian 
this is linux-image-2.6), so that
#   STUB-FLAVOUR results in a valid package name (for debian e.g. 
linux-image-2.6-486). Preferably  you  use  the
#   meta  package  name,  if  any, for the stub, so that your configuration is 
ABI independent. Also don't forget
#   that you have to include stubs of the binary modules packages for unionfs 
or aufs, and squashfs if you  built
#   them out-of-tree.
#LH_LINUX_PACKAGES="linux-image-2.6 ${LH_UNION_FILESYSTEM}-modules-2.6 

# --packages PACKAGE|"PACKAGES"
#   defines  one or more packages to be installed in the live system. This is a 
quick and convenient place to add
#   a few packages when building an image (limited by the max length of shell). 
Packages that  should  be  perma-
#   nently installed should be put into a local packages list.

# -p|--packages-lists FILE
#   defines  which  lists  available  in  /usr/share/live-helper/lists should 
be used. By default, this is set to
#   standard. Note that in case you have local packages lists, you also need to 
list them here. Putting them into
#   config/chroot_local-packageslists is not enough.

# --tasks TASK
#   defines  one  or more package tasks to be installed in the live system. 
This is a quick and convenient way to
#   get a reasonable default selection of packages suitable for most users when 
building an image, but it results
#   in  quite  big  images. If you want to have finer grained package 
selections,  local packages lists should be
#   used instead.

# --security enabled|disabled
#   defines if the security repositories specified in the security mirror 
options should be used or not.

# --symlinks enabled|disabled
#   defines if the symlink hack should be enabled or disabled. The symlink hack 
converts all absolute symlinks to
#   relative  ones.  By default this is disabled and in general there is no 
need or gain to enable it. If you are
#   in a special situation that requires this, you will know.

# --sysvinit enabled|disabled
#   defines it the sysvinit hack should be enabled or disabled. The sysvinit 
hack disables all non-essential ser-
#   vices from starting up at bootup in order to reduce overall boottime. By 
default this is disabled and in gen-
#   eral there you don't want to enable it.

# config/binary
# --binary-filesystem fat16|fat32|ext2
#   defines the filesystem to be used in the image type. This only has an 
effect if  the  selected  binary  image
#   type  does  allow to choose a filesystem. For example, when selection iso 
the resulting CD/DVD has always the
#   filesystem ISO9660. When building usb-hdd images for usb sticks, this is 
active. Note  that  it  defaults  to
#   fat16  on  all  architectures  except sparc where it defaults to ext2. Also 
note that if you choose fat16 and
#   your resulting binary image gets bigger than 2GB, the binary filesystem 
automatically gets switched to fat32.

#  -b|--binary-images iso|net|tar|usb-hdd
#   defines the image type to build. By default this is set to iso to build 
CD/DVD images.

# --binary-indices enabled|disabled|none
#   defines if the resulting images should have binary indices or not and 
defaults to enabled. If set to none, no
#   indices are included at all.

# --bootappend-live PARAMETER|"PARAMETERS"
#   sets  boot  parameters specific to debian-live. A complete list of boot 
parameters can be found, for etch, in
#   the manpage of casper, for all other distributions in the manpage of 
live-initramfs. On the images, a list of
#   all parameters (without comments) is included in the /parameters.txt.

# --bootappend-install PARAMETER|"PARAMETERS"
#   sets boot parameters specific to debian-installer, if included.

# --bootloader grub|syslinux|yaboot
#   defines  which  bootloader  is  beeing  used  in the generated image. This 
has only an effect if the selected
#   binary image type does allow to choose the bootloader. For example, if you 
build a iso, always  syslinux  (or
#   more  precise, isolinux) is being used. Also note that some combinations of 
binary images types and bootload-
#   ers may be possible but live-helper does not support them yet. lh_config 
will fail to create such a  not  yet
#   supported configuration and give a explanation about it. For usb-hdd images 
on amd64 and i386, the default is
#   syslinux. yaboot is only used on powerpc.

# --checksums enabled|disabled
#   defines  if  the  binary  image  should  contain  a file called md5sums.txt 
that lists all files on the image
#   together with their md5 checksums. This in turn can be used by 
live-initramfs'  built-in  integrity-check  to
#   verify  the  medium  if specified at boot prompt. In general, this should 
not be disabled and is an important
#   feature of live system released to the public. However, during development 
of very big  images  it  can  save
#   some time by not calculating the checksums.

# --chroot-build enabled|disabled
#   defines  whetever live-helper should use the tools from within the chroot 
to build the binary image or not by
#   using and including the host systems tools. This is a very dangerous 
option, using the tools of the host sys-
#   tem  can  lead  to  tainted  and  even  non-bootable images if the host 
systems version of the required tools
#   (mainly these are the bootloaders such as syslinux, grub and yaboot, and 
the auxilliary tools such as  dosfs-
#   tools,  genisoimage,  squashfs-tools  and  others) do not exactely match 
what is present at build-time in the
#   target distribution. Never do disable this option unless you are exactely 
sure what you are  doing  and  have
#   completely understood its consequences.

# --debian-installer enabled|cdrom|netinst|netboot|businesscard|live|disabled
#   defines  which  type,  if  any,  of the debian-installer should be included 
in the resulting binary image. By
#   default, no installer is included. All available flavours except live are 
the identical  configurations  used
#   on  the  installer  media  produced  by  regular  debian-cd. When live is 
choosen, the live-installer udeb is
#   included so that debian-installer will behave different than usual - 
instead of installing the debian  system
#   from packages from the medium or the network, it installs the live system 
to the disk.

# --debian-installer-distribution daily|CODENAME
#   defines  the distribution where the debian-installer files should be taken 
out from. Normally, this should be
#   set to the same distribution as the live system. However, some times, one 
wants to use a newer or even  daily
#   built installer.

# --debian-installer-preseedfile FILE|URL
#   sets the filename or URL for an optionally used and included preseeding 
file for debian-installer.

# -e|--encryption disabled|aes128|aes192|aes256
#   defines if the root filesystem should be encrypted or not. By default, this 
is disabled.

# --grub-splash FILE
#   defines the name of an optional to be included splash screen graphic for 
the grub bootloader.

# --hostname NAME
#   sets the hostname of the live system.

# --iso-application NAME
#   sets the APPLICATION field in the header of a resulting CD/DVD image and 
defaults to "Debian Live" in  debian
#   mode, and to "Emdebian Live" in emdebian mode.

# --iso-preparer NAME
#   sets  the  PREPARER  field  in the header of a resulting CD/DVD image. By 
default this is set to "live-helper
#   VERSION;";, whereas VERSION is 
exanded to the version of live-helper
#   that was used to build the image.

# --iso-publisher NAME
#   sets  the  PUBLISHED field in the header of a resulting CD/DVD image. By 
default, this is set to 'Debian Live
#   project;;'. Remember to change this to the
#   appropriate values at latest when you distributing custom and unofficial 
LH_ISO_PUBLISHER="Debian Live project;;"

# --iso-volume NAME
#   sets  the  VOLUME  field  in  the header of a resulting CD/DVD and defaults 
to 'Debian Live (DATE)' in debian
#   mode, and 'Emdebian Live (DATE)' in emdebian mode, whereas DATE is expanded 
with the current date and time of
#   the generation.
LH_ISO_VOLUME="Debian Live `date +%Y%m%d%T`"

# --jffs2-eraseblock SIZE

# --memtest memtest86+|memtest86|none
#   defines if memtest, memtest86+ or no memory tester at all should be 
included as secondary bootloader configu-
#   ration. This is only available on amd64 and i386 and defaults to memtest86+.

# --net-root-filesystem nfs|cfs
#   defines the filesystem that will be configured in the bootloader 
configuration for your netboot  image.  This
#   defaults to nfs.

# --net-root-mountoptions OPTIONS
#   sets additional options for mounting the root filesystem in netboot images 
and is by default empty.

# --net-root-path PATH
#   sets  the  file  path  that  will  be configured in the bootloader 
configuration for your netboot image. This
#   defaults to /srv/debian-live in debian mode and to /srv/emebian-live when 
being in emdebian mode.

# --net-root-server IP|HOSTNAME
#   sets the IP or hostname that will be configured in the bootloader 
configuration for the  root  filesystem  of
#   your netboot image. This defaults to

# --net-cow-filesystem nfs|cfs
#   defines the filesystem type for the copy-on-write layer and defaults to nfs.

# --net-cow-mountoptions OPTIONS
#   sets additional options for mounting the copy-on-write layer in netboot 
images and is by default empty.

# --net-cow-path PATH
#   defines  the  path  to  client writable filesystem. Anywhere that 
client_mac_address is specified in the path
#   live-initramfs will substitute the MAC address of the client delimited with 
#   Example:
#      /export/hosts/client_mac_address
#      /export/hosts/00-16-D3-33-92-E8

# --net-cow-server IP|HOSTNAME
#   sets the IP or hostname that will be  configured  in  the  bootloader  
configuration  for  the  copy-on-write
#   filesystem of your netboot image and is by default empty.

# --net-tarball bzip2|gzip|tar|none
#   defines  the format of the netboot image. Choosing tar results in a not 
compressed tarball, bzip2 and gzip in
#   a bzip2 resp. gzip compressed tarball. Choosing none leads to no tarball at 
all, the plain  binary  directory
#   is considered the output in this case. Default is gzip.

# --syslinux-splash FILE
#   defines the file of the syslinux splash graphic that should be used instead 
of the default one.

# --syslinux-timeout SECONDS
#   defines the timeout the syslinux bootloader should wait for input from the 
user at the bootprompt prior boot-
#   ing the default kernel. This defaults to 0 which means it will wait forever.

# --syslinux-menu enabled|disabled
#   defines if syslinux should be make use of the vgamenu capabilities or not.

# --username NAME
#   sets the name of the account of the default user in the live system.

# --win32-loader enabled|disabled
#   defines if win32-loader should be included in the binary image or not.

# config/source
# --source enabled|disabled
#   defines if a corresponding source image to the binary image should be 
build.  By  default  this  is  disabled
#   because  most  people do not require this and would require to download 
quite a few source packages. However,
#   once you start distributing your live image, you should make sure you build 
it with a source image alongside.

# -s|--source-images iso|net|tar|usb-hdd
#   defines the image type for the source image. Default is tar.

# other
# --breakpoints) enabled|disabled

# --color) enabled|disabled

# --debug) enabled|disabled

# --force) enabled|disabled

# --ignore-system-defaults)

# --quiet)

# --verbose)

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