Steven Shiau wrote:
> Hi,


> I have sent this before, but the patch file I sent was not good, so I
> think it's why not being accepted.

i hoped someone else would comment before I do, however.. here are my

In general, I'm not a fan of adding such a feature. Exposing passwords
and also their hashes to visible to any user (which a boot parameter is,
through /proc/cmdline), is not a good thing. It's better to statically
configure user accounts directly by calling e.g. adduser through a hook
at build time.

However, i understand that this is unflexible as it's a thing you do
during build time and not during run (or boot) time.

This, and also the fact that the issue comes up now in the third year of
debian-live for the third time, in different implementations though, I
admit that there appears to be a demand for that. When I'm going to make
initial plans for live-initramfs 2.x next week, I'll honor that and try
to come up with any smart thing that would allow such a thing, I don't
have any at hand right now.

> and send it again. Hope you do not mind.

sure not. if you have anything else that has gone lost (or you think it
has gone lost, or simply you didn't got any answer), please do never
hesitate to resend/ask/whatever again.


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