So of, but not really.

Making, for example, a mythbuntu box using Debian-live it is a security
flaw to install ssh where it is not needed and a usability flaw to
include root access for a box intended for those ignorant of Linux.

I have no problem giving access to the source, or even of having a
obfuscated method of access to the system but at what point does that
obfuscated access become tivoisation?

Making it easy to access the underlying system is a serious usability
flaw. An experienced Linux user could crack almost any system with a
removable hard drive (like the one I'm planning on) in under 2 minutes.
An inexperienced user could brick an embedded system in even less.


On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 13:20 +0200, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> David Cottrill wrote:
> > Given that many of the professionals on this list are using debian-live
> > as the basis for embedded products, how is everyone following the change
> > in the GPL making it unlawful to shut users out of hardware?
> i don't get it: you want to tivolize your embedded hardware and want to
> know how to do it best since GPL-3 prohibits it?
> if that would be your intention, then i would be indeed embarassed
> however, since i certainly do missunderstand you, i would be grateful if
> you could rephrase what you mean, maybe with an example, so that I'm
> able to understand it.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:
> Internet:

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