Thanks for the quick reply,
Since Saturday, I've successfully tried a usermod hook script to change
cruisecontrol's uid within the system range with the following script.
$ cat
LAST_SYSTEM_UID=$(cut -d':' -f3 "${PASSWD_FILE}" | egrep "^[0-9]{1,3}$"
| sort -run | head -1)
grep "${CRUISE_USERNAME}" "${PASSWD_FILE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1 && usermod
echo "Code retour usermod : ${RC}"
When booting from the generated image, live-initramfs successfully
created the Live User with uid 1000. This is just a workaround but that
will let me get on with the rest of the packages I have to include in
this demo CD.
A better workaround might be to repackage cruisecontrol and change the
way their user is create. For reference, here's the extract from the
postinst file within the cruisecontrol package that creates the user.
$ head -6 postinst
set -e
# Create the user and group if the don't exist
grep -q "^cruise:" /etc/group || groupadd cruise
grep -q "^cruise:" /etc/passwd || useradd -d /var/spool/cruisecontrol -g
cruise -s /bin/bash cruise
A couple --system switches will probably do the trick.
Now, as David said, this doesn't change the problem with live-initramfs.
Here's the an extract from the 10adduser script handling the Live User
creation :
$cat /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/live-bottom/10adduser
user_crypted="8Ab05sVQ4LLps" # as in $(echo "live" | mkpasswd -s)
# U6aMy0wojraho is just a blank password
chroot /root debconf-communicate -fnoninteractive live-initramfs >
/dev/null << EOF
set passwd/make-user true
set passwd/root-password-crypted *
set passwd/user-password-crypted ${user_crypted}
set passwd/user-fullname ${USERFULLNAME}
set passwd/username ${USERNAME}
set passwd/user-uid 1000
chroot /root /usr/bin/env -i HOME="/root" \
TERM="${TERM}" PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" \
/usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-apply 2>&1 \
| grep -v "Shadow passwords are now on"
Even if I change the 1000 uid value to 1666 with a hook during
live-helper's chroot stage, live-initramfs creates the Live User with
1000 as uid.
Does anybody see any blatant error in initramfs-tools' script ?
Thanks for your help,
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