Hi folks, I've downloaded lenny-rc1 (2009-02-10) and tried to create a stripped live cd. My last attempt ended up in:
Warning: creating a filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660 Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> genisoimage: Error - boot image 'binary/isolinux/isolinux.bin' has not an allowable size. Here is what I'm doing: $ apt-get -y update $ apt-get -y upgrade $ lh_config -b iso -a i386 \ --bootstrap-flavour minimal \ --bootloader syslinux \ --packages-lists "stripped" \ --apt apt \ --apt-recommends disabled \ --tasksel none \ --binary-indices disabled \ --distribution lenny \ --linux-flavours 686 \ --packages "console-common console-tools klogd netbase iputils-ping sysklogd update-inetd tcpd dhcp3-client debconf-english" \ --memtest disabled \ --bootappend-live "nolocales" \ $ lh_build I already tried different bootloaders with no success still. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, -Gatis