Kai Hendry wrote:
> Wondering why it hasn't been applied yet on live-initramfs?
> http://git.debian.net/?p=debian-live/live-initramfs.git

While Jordi does good work, he makes it nearly impossible to apply his
stuff (no individual broken out patches but overlapping ones, most of
the time without explenation/description at all).

However, for this specific one, there are also some problem with it:

First, you cannot just remove 21xvidedriver. This one is needed if you
want to enforce the driver to be used. E.g. if you have non-xorg drivers
(nvidia, fglrx), you need to tell xorg to use them, otherwise xorgs
autodetection always prefers to its own use nv resp. ati.

Second, xrand doesn't work with etch. live-initramfs for lenny is
supposed to keep compatibility with etch (which we'll drop right after
lenny has been released). So either you need to come up with a check
that makes it only being executed on lenny, or wait for lenny backports
of live-initramfs (which we'll maintain once lenny has been released).


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baum...@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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