Jean Spirat wrote:
>> There are no plans to use more features of debian live. I heared that
>> live-initramfs will be split into more packages in the future, so we
>> may need less parts from it.

jup. the essential things (searching and mounting rootfs, setting up rw
layer) will stay in live-initramfs, everything else will go to a
different binary package (live-initscripts or something like that).

> in fact this is where my AOE mount fails, the system ends up read only
> and the aufs part is not working.

i've absolutely no clue about AOE. i'm not even sure it's possible with
current live-initramfs. did you try regular nfs based netboot first?

apart from that: in order to help you, you would need to make sure that
you did not modify the initrd at all, we would need to know the *exact*
and complete kernel command line that you used to boot, as well as the
version of live-initramfs you've used.


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