Hi Alex,

On Sun, 15 Jan 2023 20:21:49 +0100 Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> Control: tag -1 wontfix
> Hi,
> Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> > I recently was interested in solving Lintian errors on FPC and
> > friends and got pointed to this ticket.
> I just checked
> and it seems that exactly 2 source packages (fpc and lazarus) are using this.
Yes indeed, only tow packages for now are using this file, but theoretically any
package built by FPC may need this.

> Just affecting two packages is IMHO a valid case for lintian
> overrides.

I may agree, but I failed to find the right syntax to override this error.
There seem also 9 packages they do the same according
to https://lintian.debian.org/tags/unknown-file-in-debian-source

So are you sur the override is working, and if yes, how to do it.
We tried https://sources.debian.org/src/fpc/3.2.2%2Bdfsg-
but also several other syntaxes and it fails. It seems no package managed to
override it as far as I can search.

> It's though a small change with practically no chance for false
> positives, so I'm no directly opposed to implementing it.
> I though wonder: Are more packages expected to use that? I mean, the
> initial bug report ist from 2016 and I only see two packages using it.
> > I tend to agree with Paul that the timestamps file is better located in
> > debian/source folder and would lobby for that.
> This seems to be the wrong audience for a discussion about the
> location of that file. Such a discussion should come _before_ Lintian is
> asked to implement something.
I do Agree here about what you said, but we should just know how to override it,
if ever possible.
Abou Al Montacir

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