
[This mail is a side-effect of trying to fix the remaining part of the
RC bug #1025868 against lintian.]

I'm thinking about retiring the tag bin-sbin-mismatch due difficult to
solve false positive (and currently triggering an RC bug).

It has been introduced in #930702 and sounded like a good idea, but
caused quite some not so trivial to fix issues (if fixable at all),
especially false positives:

* #1017632: false positives on partial matchs — IMHO unfixable.

* #974677: false positive when using variables — probably partially
  fixable (i.e. unfixable) by ignoring cases where "}" stands directly
  before "/bin/" and maybe where "\$\w+" matches before directly
  before "/bin/". But the first will still have some false positives
  (being language-dependent and at least in shell and Perl it
  additionally requires strict adhering to some coding standards in
  the tested package — which is unrealistic).

* zsh: false positives when doing symlinking /bin/zsh and /usr/bin/zsh
  in postinst/postrm for non-usrmerge systems instead of shipping them
  properly in the package due to the usrmerge mess. (Not reported,
  just overridden.)

Additionally it has the following other issues:

* As far as I understand the topic, this tag is obosoleted by the
  forced usrmerge migration as those mismatch seem to be no more
  relevant since then.

* Order of the output parameters seem to vary per architecture, see
  the remaining issue of the current RC bug #1025868 against lintian
  (Cc'ed). I think this is related to C compilers/linkers not
  generating the same variable order on different architectures, see
  the test case which caused the RC bug:

  Paul: Expect an update on the last remaining piece of #1025868 soon.
  I have a working arm64 Sid again. armhf and i386 didn't suffice to
  reproduce. But I clearly see the problem. :-/

* Misleading tag name, at least without the full tag desc I always
  expect that /sbin/$program and /bin/$program are mixed up. There's
  no "usr" present in the tag name. A potential better tag name would
  be something like bin-usr-bin-mismatch (with sbin being a seldom
  special case of it).

Other points which are no issue itself, but make the tag removal
potentially a bit easier, i.e. likely reduce the impact of removal:

* The tag is marked as experimental, i.e. not shown by default.

* The submitter of #930702 (i.e. the feature request submitter)
  himself is no more active in Debian. (And he — IMHO unfortunately —
  rage-quitted Debian over the systemd controversy, so I doubt that
  he's still interested in Debian, let it be alone Lintian. So I did
  not Cc him to not bother him with stuff reminding him of Debian.)

And given that other recent tag removal proposals (e.g.
very-long-line-length-in-source-file) lead into objections, also from
my side, I'd like to hear first if there's someone who considers this
tag useful.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, https://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `'   |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
  `-    |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE

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