El 11/8/24 a las 11:19, Vasyl Gello escribió:
Recently FTP Master Thorsten Alteholz pointed me to the fact that mixing code licensed under GPL-2 only with code under GPL-2+ / GPL-3+ is not allowed in same repository [1].
I would say that's not a good characterization of the problem. The problem is not about shipping GPL-2-only and GPL-3 files in the same repo. That should be allowed. The problem is combining those files into a single executable and shipping such executable inside the .deb. That's forbidden because licenses are incompatible, as the matrix you quoted shows. Here, "incompatible license" means you can't create a derived work with files under those incompatible licenses. So, before thinking in terms of repositories, you should think in terms of what you are allowed to distribute in the .deb and what files were combined to create those executables. Thanks.