The OpenType spec and its binary format encoding is, afaik, precisely 1 to 1. There's not much magic (or optimization) left to be done. If you have the binary you effectively have the sources.
Em sáb., 10 de ago. de 2024 às 15:39, Pip Cet <> escreveu: > "Felipe Sanches" <> writes: > > > As far as I can tell, the OpenType binaries have data structures that > > map 1:1 to their source project files, > > I don't believe that is true at all! I'm not quite sure what you mean by > "source project files", to be honest. This is not about converting Type > 1 or TrueType to OpenType: it's about whether any of these formats can > reasonably be considered source code, i.e. the preferred form for > editing the program. > > > so it is trivial to regenerate the sources from the binaries. > > Really? How, for example, do I generate the source code for the fpgm or > prep programs contained in the Droid Sans Mono binary? > > I don't think it's trivial at all. It involves decompilation, just like > any other compiled binary program without its source code available. > > > If there's any specific case in which this is not true, I'd be glad to > learn about. > > See the examples. The case of Noto Color Emoji is particularly clear, > since it is the repository itself that explains how to build the SVGs > from the "original Ai artwork" (their words, not mine) after, > presumably, editing said original artwork files. I don't know whether > those files contain additional valuable information beyond what is > available in the SVGs, perhaps comments or a modification history, but I > believe they do. > > > Given that, I think the lack of sources in this case is OK, because it > is trivial to recompute them. > > I must insist it is not. But that's not sufficient, anyway: a > hand-written assembly program may be entirely re-derivable from its > assembled form, assuming there are no comments or non-standard > instruction mnemonics, but that doesn't make the binary the source code, > because no programmer would edit the binary directly rather than > reassembling it from a text file. > > > Let me know if you have additional information. > > I'm not sure what information you require. Please let me know. > > Pip > >