Good day, debian-legal!

Back on February 14th, an email went to the standard NGINX mailing list that 
NGINX (F5) open source development changed a lot of policies and interfered 
with security policy use cases enough to irritate one of the main community 
developers of NGINX.  At that time, a fork was created of the NGINX project 
called "freenginx".  The list announcement of this can be seen at [1].

I was approached separately by Maxim as a known package maintainer for NGINX to 
see if I can help get freenginx into Debian and Ubuntu.  However, as a person 
in business myself as a consultant, and someone who had to ask Canonical to get 
involved on an unrelated trademark violation issue, I'm concerned that there 
may be a trademark violation problem at play.

While theoretically there wouldn't be one and we can simply add Provides: nginx 
to both freenginx and nginx packaging and conflicts/breaks on freenginx vs. 
standard nginx because the two won't behave right with each other, the concern 
I have is that we're introducing a trademark problem into the mix.

So, before I follow through with Debian packaging (which would be synced to 
Ubuntu downstream), may I get the opinion of debian-legal on whether there's 
any copyright or trademark violation concerns that exist before I pursue 
getting this into Debian?

Thomas Ward
Debian Maintainer for multiple packages
Ubuntu Core Developer


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