Hello, greetings everyone! I have a project to get Linux (specifically
Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch) working on chromebooks. My users
currently must execute debootstrap to build the rootfs of Debian. This is
particularly cumbersome for Windows users, who would instead want to flash
an *iso* image. Ubuntu states that you need to remove all mentions of the
name debian from within all packages (or something alike :D), however I
have found that Debian just requires you to name the CD something other
than Debian. I am very new to licensing matters, so excuse my inexperienced
nature with all of this. Am I allowed to redistribute an iso file
containing the Debian rootfs, but with only free packages added (including
the debian "firmware-linux-free") and some configuration files changed? The
heart of my software is my specialized vmlinuz flashed to another partition
of the USB.

My Github for this project: https://github.com/MilkyDeveloper/cb-linux
And a similar question I asked, but for Ubuntu instead of Debian Sid:

Thanks for any help :D

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