Please forgive any screwy formatting; I'm trying out evolution again...

On Thu, 2021-06-17 at 14:28 +0200, Diego M. Rodriguez wrote:
> Hello,
> as part of packaging "pylatexenc" [1], I'm unsure on how to properly 
> declare the license attribution of one of the files in the upstream package.
> [...]
> However, I'm not familiar with the W3C license (nor with d/copyright 
> finer points). Would it be possible to have advise on whether the 
> assumptions and the current d/copyright is suitable - and help on 
> correcting otherwise?
> [...]
> [4] 

From my perspective, you did a relatively adequate job documenting the oddity in
d/copyright. It seems that this file rarely ever (never) changes, so dropping a
copy into d/missing_sources/unicode.xml should definitely happen.

- Phillipe might have a copyright on, but I see no evidence
they have one on unicode.xml.
- I also don't see any evidence that Expat is a valid license for unicode.xml.
- Trying to explain that all in one paragraph is messy, confusing, and 

Suggestion -->

Files: pylatexenc/latexencode/
Copyright: 2015-2019 Philippe Faist
           2015 World Wide Web Consortium
           1999-2015 David Carlise
License: Expat and W3C
Comment: The file 'unicode.xml' (d/missing_sources/unicode.xml) is used to
         generate this file during release tarball creation.

Files: debian/missing_sources/unicode.xml
Copyright: 2015 World Wide Web Consortium
         1999-2015 David Carlise
License: W3C
Comment: This file was copied from, is used to generate source, and is
         then dropped from the final release tarball. The source header contains
         additional information about the origins and history of this file.

Michael Lustfield

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