Dear Debian legal list, I'm a bit reluctant to bring this apparently old topic again, but it seems it has not been resolved, while it does affect a number of packages.
So, I'm currently packaging DaCHS, a publication framework for the Virtual Observatory, The package tries to encourage publishers to be explicit about the licence the published data is made available under, and it therefore contains upstream the cc-0, cc-by, and cc-by-sa logos from so that, in the metadata web pages, these things can be fetched from the server itself (rather than, say In an ftpmasters-triggered a review of the licences of the various things distributed with DaCHS, I noticed these didn't have an explicit licence. So, I started researching, and I found, where it says CC’s trademarks are not licensed under a Creative Commons license Following the link under the statement, there is: You may download high resolution versions of the Creative Commons logos and use them in connection with your work or your website, provided you comply with our policies. -- which probably makes the particular use case (deliver them with a publishing toolkit) a violation of the terms in the first place. And, sure enough, that's farily certainly DFSG-nonfree, right? I'm not the first one to notice the issue; from 2016 has a discussion on this, too. A quick research with apt-file shows a few packages besides dachs and mediawiki that already seem to have CC logos in Debian (quick selection: blobwars-data, dokuwiki, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-latex-extra-doc, ubuntu-packaging-guide*). So... has there been any progress on this question since 2016? Is there any prior art on how to deal with this kind of trademark-associated artwork? Thanks, Markus PS: can I ask for being cc:-ed?