Hello everyone, In introduction to this mail, let me introduce FreeMedForms (if you already know it, read next paragraph). FreeMedForms is an open source EHR with a complet drug-drug drug-patient interactions (DDPI) checker. It is a full set of two apps : freemedforms-ehr and freediams. FreeDiams is the prescriber assistant plugin of FreeMedForms build into a full complete application. FreeMedForms is maintained by a french non profit organization (https://freemedforms.com/fr/asso/start) (association loi 1901). Free Source code is provided to any demander approved by the NPO, code licence is still the same. But, the code documentation is only reserved to approved developers by this NPO. We do encourage new dev to apply to our NPO and to sign a CLA (which is still a draft piece of text actually).
The problem is that FreeMedForms EHR needs access to private data to manage DDPI and for some medical forms (some are free, some are not). The private data are only available to paying partners to the NPO. FreeMedForms can fully work with free data but without the DDPI and some printing features. As FreeMedForms is open source and is forked. Forks trie to access our private data using the open sourced server protocol (query to a php script). According to the server's log, we believe that at least two forks are still trying to download our old private datapacks without any form of authorization... We tried SSH access and crypt the data with a private key to share with our paying partners, but we do not have (time and) competences to do/manage this... We know that FreeMedForms is used in eastern europe, spain, france, russia, argentina, some part of africa and may be other countries (china, uruguay, brasil). Two clinics use it in their emergencies department. And I'm, as main manager of the project and as president of the NPO, convinced that the FreeMedForms project has its place in the Debian and also that the NPO should focus on keeping FreeMedForms as a strong competitor in the field of open source EHR. My time to discuss legal and technical issues, code or support about the project... is really weak as I'm a much more than full time MD, father, writer, NPO manager, trainer of doctors, nurses and psychologists, etc... Do you have any idea to progress with these legal/technical issues ? Thanks <http://maeker.fr> *Dr Maeker Éric* *Gériatre, psychogériatre* eric.mae...@gmail.com Twitter @DrMaeker <https://www.twitter.com/drmaeker> RPPS 10002307964 maeker.fr Site personnel empathies.fr Association Emp@thies freemedforms.com Logiciel médical La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël