Il December 1, 2018 3:57:32 AM UTC, Daniel Hakimi <> ha scritto: >Why?
Ehm... because no existing license is equivalent? >This license is only more work for the community to understand Hopefully this will be a worth investment. > and incompatible with everything else out there. Did you read it? Why should it be incomparable with MIT or BSD? > What's the upside of using your own license over the GPL? There are several advantages over GPLv2, GPLv3 and AGPLv3. To be honest, I thought they were be pretty evident from the text, but feel free to ask if you find something unclear. Some of the evident advantages over the GNU licenses are: - no need to trust a central authority upgrades to the license - no need for CLAs, FLAs or abusable copyright assignment. - possibility of dual licensing but only if the different distributions exactly match - no SaaSS loopholes thanks to the wrapping conditions that are still compatible with all the FSF OSI approved licenses and with the Debian guidelines - clear recognition of users' right to understand the software they interact with Basically it's a stronger copyleft with way less legalese and in a quarter of the AGPL's length. There would be a lot more to add here, but I've already spent 6 months to write a license and I can't spend 6 more to write a mail :-) So I'd really appreciate if you could read it before deciding you don't like it. Giacomo >> >> Hacking License >> =============== >> >> Our Curiosity serves Humanity through Freedom, Candor and Communion. >> >> This license grants you the right to hack with us, to learn what we >ignore >> and to challenge our assumptions by teaching us what you will learn. >> >> >> 1. Definitions >> -------------- >> >> For the purpose of this License: >> >> - "License" refers to this License. >> - "Copyright" means copyright-like laws that apply to other literary >works. >> - "Hack" refers to the software, the documentation and the contents >> distributed under this License. >> - "Hacker" refers to any Copyright holder of the Hack. >> - "Human" is every live being with humans among its genetic >ancestors. >> - "Application" refers to a set of software exchanging data. >> - "Runtime" refers to any runtime system, any operating system, any >> virtual machine and/or any interpreter that is required to run the >Hack. >> - "Source" refers to the human-readable form of a software which is >the >> most convenient for people to study and modify, and that can be >used >> to generate a new identical copy of the software itself. >> - "User" refers to any human receiving a copy of the Hack or its >source >> and/or performing any action permitted by this License. >> - To "study" a software means to perform any activity that could help >> the User to deeply understand it, to understand how to modify it or >to >> explain its usage and inner working to other Users. >> - To "copy" means to create an new exact copy of a software, for any >> purpose and on any medium, even after applying one or more lossless >> transformations to the software, including, but not limited to, >> compression or encryption. >> - To "distribute" means any action that enable a human or >organization >> to perform any of the activities permitted by this License. >> - To "use" a software means to generate a new copy of the software >from >> its source, to run it for any purpose, to install it, to interact >with >> it through any medium or proxy (even asynchronously), to provide >data >> for its input or to consume its output (or any part of it), and/or >to >> store and use a Derived Work in place of the software itself. >> - To "wrap" a software means to integrate it into an Application. >> The programs that collect, store, transform and/or transfer data >> for the User or between the User and the Hack are called >"Wrappers". >> Wrappers do not include any program or library that Users can find >in >> off-the-shelf distributions of the required Runtime, but include >any >> modified version of such programs, libraries, Runtime that are >required >> to run the Application. >> The license of a Wrapper is compatible with this License if it >grants >> to the Users access to its source and the right to study, copy, >use, >> wrap, modify and/or distribute the Wrapper and/or the Application >> and/or any modified version of them, in any form. >> - To "modify" a software means to perform any action that would >require >> Copyright permission, except for studying, copying, using, wrapping >> and distributing the software, including, but not limited to, to >adapt >> all or part of the software, to translate all or part of it to a >> different language or form, to create or modify its documentation, >> to refactor its source, or to combine the software or parts of it >with >> other works. The resulting work is called a "Derived Work", whereas >> "Inspiring Hack" is the original work modified to create it. >> >> >> 2. Grants >> --------- >> >> Permission is hereby granted to any User of the Hack to study, copy, >> use, wrap, modify and/or distribute the Hack, and to distribute any >> Derived Work under this License but with a different name and logo. >> >> Furthermore, if the Hack is a Derived Work, the Hackers grant to the >> copyright holders of the Inspiring Hack all rights, title and >interests >> in any copyright the Hackers have in the Hack. >> >> Finally, a patent License to perform any of the actions permitted >above >> is granted to any User under the Hackers' essential patent claims. >> >> These grants are free of charge, non-exclusive, valid everywhere in >the >> Universe, irrevocable (provided the stated conditions are met), >> royalty-free and can be transferred to third parties with the Hack, >> its source or any Derived Work but for no charge. >> >> This License does not grant any rights in the names, trade names, >> trademarks, service marks, or logos of the Hackers, except as >required >> for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Hack >> and reproducing the content of the copyright notice. >> >> >> 3. Conditions >> ------------- >> >> The grants provided by this License are subject to the following >> conditions: >> >> 1. The Hackers' copyright notice and this License shall be included >in >> all copies or substantial portions of the Hack and of any Derived >Work. >> 2. The source of the Hack shall be made available with the Hack >and/or >> by other reasonable means to every User, according to this License >> and without additional constraints or requirements, such as >further >> agreements, any royalty or other fee. >> 3. All Wrappers used to integrate the Hack into an Application shall >be >> made available (either with the Hack and/or by other reasonable >means) >> to every User under either this License or compatible ones, so >that >> Users can modify and/or run the whole Application on their own >hardware. >> 4. The tools, dependencies and know-how required to perform any of >the >> activities permitted by this License shall be made available to >the >> User with the source of the Hack (except for those tools and >> dependencies that are already available to every User either free >of >> charge or in off-the-shelf distributions of the Runtime) and >without >> additional constraints or requirements, such as further >agreements, any >> royalty or other fee. >> 5. No restriction or impediment, neither technical, legal or >otherwise, >> shall prevent, hinder or inhibit the fruition of the rights >provided >> by this License to any User of both the Hack and any Derived Work. >> 6. No patent infringement litigation claim (excluding counterclaims >and >> cross-claims) alleging that all or part of the Hack directly or >> indirectly infringes a patent shall be initialized by the User. >> 7. The User has never violated any of the previous conditions. >> 8. All of these conditions shall be valid and enforceable under the >> jurisdiction of the User. >> >> >> 4. Termination >> -------------- >> >> Failing to comply to the conditions of this License shall >automatically >> terminate the grants provided, without affecting other parties who >have >> received copies or rights from the User under this License. >> >> >> 5. Severability >> --------------- >> >> The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this License >does >> not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this >License. >> Such provision is to be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to >make >> it valid and enforceable. >> >> >> 6. No Warranty and Limitation of Liability >> ------------------------------------------ >> >> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, >EXPRESS OR >> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF >MERCHANTABILITY, >> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT >SHALL THE >> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR >OTHER >> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, >ARISING >> FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER >> DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. >> >> >> 7. Use and distribution of the Hacking License >> ---------------------------------------------- >> >> This version of the Hacking License was written on December 01, 2018. >> >> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this >> document, but changing it is not allowed. >> >> Copyright (C) 2018 Giacomo Tesio >> >>