On Thu, 2017-03-23 at 11:04 +0000, Ian Jackson wrote: > Drew Parsons writes ("Re: freeness and compatibility of CeCILL-C > licence"): > > If I'm reading that right, we can link it from BSD and LGPL > > libraries. > > Currently MUMPS is in Debian used by > > ... > > code-aster GPL2 > > This is a problem then. > > Is there any possibility of CeCILL being persuaded to add a GPL > compatibility exception ? The licence already has an upgrade clause > IIRC.
In a sense it's a problem that code_aster needs to push to get fixed. code_aster also comes from France, they could sort it out face to face. My guess is they're both using the licences perfunctorily, with MUMPS contractually obliged by their workplace to use a CeCILL. Scientific programmers (at least, the kind that build free software) tend to roll with the general spirit of free software without particular care for the legal subtleties. That is, as far as the authors are concerned, there is no violation (this is my interpretation or guess of what they're thinking). If the other library you're using is in a separate file and only accessed at runtime, then why should its free licence affect the free licence of your program? It's absurd to think that linking to libraries matters to your licence (assuming their licence doesn't actually forbid linking, in which case it wouldn't particularly be a free licence). Of course the question of linking is one of the reasons for changing GPL2 to GPL3. Maybe we need some billionaire friend of free software to send the matter to court, fund both sides of the argument and have it settled once and for all. In any case, I've asked the MUMPS developers to read this thread and let us know what they think. Drew