Dear Debian Legal Team, I'm trying to package Processing <>, a program written in Java to teach programming, for Debian. Its licensing is split into two parts, GNU LGPLv2.1 (for the "processing.core" package) and GNU GPLv2 (for its other packages). It is currently distributed with .jar files from Eclipse, licensed under the Eclipse Public License [EPL], listed at <>, which are linked to a number of files in the GPL portion of the program. (The program also links to Apache 2.0-licensed libraries, so I assume it will need to be upgraded to LGPLv3 and GPLv3.)
I asked upstream whether they thought linking to Eclipse libraries was okay at, and they said it was as they aren't modifying the Eclipse code, but the statement on the Eclipse website says that no linking between GPL and EPL code is permitted. Who's correct here? Also, if upstream are wrong, is the mechanism described at sufficient to resolve the problem? Many thanks, George Bateman.