Hello still exploring my package

I found this.

Is it DFSG-free ?

#F EADL97_MShellConstants.dat
#U00 This file is a conversion to specfile format of
#U01 directly extracted EADL97 Shell constants.
#U02 to simplify its use with the fisx and PyMca software packages.
#U04 Neither those packages or their author(s) claim any ownership of
#U05 the data and they do not warrant the integrity of the data
#U07 the conversion process.
#U07 EADL itself can be found at:
#U08           http://www-nds.iaea.org/epdl97/libsall.htm
#U09 The code used to generate this file has been:
#U10 GenerateEADLShellConstants.py
#U12 The proper way to quote these data is:
#U13 D.E. Cullen, et al., "Tables and Graphs of Atomic Subshell and
#U14 Relaxation Data Derived from the LLNL Evaluated Atomic Data Library
#U15 (EADL), Z = 1 - 100," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
#U16  Vol. 30, October 1991
#U17 The author of this data, D.E. Cullen, has stated that
redistribution of this
#U18 data is permitted provided the previous credits are maintained.

just for informations, these DATA are scientific fact (it is important right ?)



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