Le Tue, May 31, 2016 at 08:34:06PM -0300, Eriberto Mota a écrit : > > The distorm3 upstream relicensed the source code from GPL3+ to > BSD-4-Clause. I think it is wrong but I didn't found references about > it. So, I need opinions about this issue.
Hi Eriberto, if the distorm3 upstream developer fully holds the copyright on the software, then he can relicense as he wishes. However, BSD-4-Clause is a poor choice, since it is not compatible with the GPL, which can cause trouble to GPL-licensed projects using the distorm3 source code and following its updates. Maybe you can suggest to the author to switch to a GPL-compatible version of the BSD license ? I think that he may have picked the 4-clause version only by inadvertance. For instance, in the setup.py file, he declares "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", however if one looks at the licenses on the OSI website, the 4-clause BSD is not there. Have a nice day, -- Charles Plessy Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan