Andreas Tille <> writes:

> Hi Bas,

hello Andreas,
hello All,

> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 09:48:35AM +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> ...
>> If we cannot get around disabling the Bing support because of the
>> license issues around the logo, I think we should remove the josm
>> package forcing users to download josm-tested.jar. I've used the josm
>> package on unstable for a while, but have since switched to using
>> josm-tested.jar instead because even in unstable JOSM is hard to support
>> and keep current.
>>From a personal point of view I'd consider it very sad if JOSM would go.
> I'm following an "every software on my box is packaged" strategy and I
> was pretty fine with not using always the latest and greatest JOSM.  So
> keeping JOSM in Debian (including Bing support) would be *really*
> welcome (most probably not only by me considering 99 active user
> reporting via popcon).

I understand your concern, but I'm not sure we have a good choice
(the timing is currently very very bad!), either :

1. I get a positive reply from Microsoft soon --> I will include the
image. --> I don't think this will happen before the code freeze :-(

2. debian-legal (and debian-gis) agree that the "bing_maps.png missing"
license problem will be ignored for jessie (as suggested by Andrew
Shadura <>). In that case we can try to apply the patch
from #765421 (before the freeze) to jmapviewer such that josm works with

--> IMHO the problem with this is that at any time during jessie's lifetime,
a complaint from a DD (or Microsoft itself) could lead to josm and
freeplane being removed from main (or even the archive).

3. I will remove the logo and tilesource/ from
the jmapviewer package (which should resolve any licensing issues). josm
will FTBFS, Sebastiaan and I will try to add a patch to josm such that
it works without bing (but maybe that is not worth it since, as I
understand the comments here, josm is not helpful without bing?)

> Kind regards
>       Andreas.
> PS: And no, unfortunately I can not help working on this besided the
>     usual sponsering if needed.

Short term sponsoring will be much appreciated :-)

Thanks and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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