INAL, etc

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 10:23:09PM +0100, Cleto Martín wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm studying to start a package for AllJoyn[1], a network middleware
> created by Qualcomm which is now hosted by the Linux Foundation.
> In general terms, this middleware is licensed under the Internet
> Software Consortium (ISC) terms, which seems to be good in terms of
> Debian Policy. However, I have found this notice within git repository [2]:
> ---8<---
[BXA Export notice thinger here]
> --->8---
> Sounds me like a non-free clause. I have had a look at [3] but I'm not
> sure if actually is the same case, so I doubt if I could follow the
> procedure explained there. Is this a non-free clause or we have similar
> cases in the past?

Well, lucky for us, it's not in the license that we *must* comply with
BXA - seems to just be a nice note informing distributors. I believe
that [3] still applies to this -- I don't see this as something they're
trying to write into the license terms :)

> Many thanks,
>  cleto.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:

Should be fine!

 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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