On Fri, May 09, 2014 at 03:19:05PM +0200, Lukas Anzinger wrote:
> Hi,
> it'd be interesting to have Perforce (p4) properly packaged in Debian
> in section non-free.
> The terms under which Perforce is distributed are available here:
> http://www.perforce.com/downloads/terms-use
> It seems to me that redistribution of binaries is not a problem as
> long as they are not modified so I believe that p4 could be uploaded
> to non-free.

  Maybe, but 6th paragraph reads:

| You will indemnify and hold harmless Perforce, and all its successors in
| interest, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their officers, employees and
| agents, from all liability arising from use of the software by you or any
| of your successors.

> Is there anyone who would object? (I'm not a Debian
> developer/maintainer [yet] so I'm merely just asking out of
> curiosity.)

  A deal with the Devil is better, he only requests your first born child.

  Ricardo Mones 
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