On 12/10/2010 4:38 AM, Julian Andres Klode wrote:
On Fr, 2010-12-10 at 11:24 +0000, MJ Ray wrote:
Ibrahim Haddad wrote:
We would ask you to move away from using {M,m}-e-e-{G,g}-o or any subset of
those letters or sounds in that order, alone or in combination with other
letters, words or marks that would tend to cause someone to make a
reasonable connection of the reference with the MeeGo mark. We specifically
discussed one possibility for illustration purposes – which is to use MG in
the place of MeeGo.  We do not think that a plain text MG, when used in
reference to the code, as in a file or project or team name, would cause a
reasonable person to be confused.
OK, so for this to be possible, {M,m}-e-e-{G,g}-o must be never used
in the works of The Meego Project as a functional term.  That is to
ask, is it possible to change the name without impacting on other
software which uses the works of The Meego Project?  There is no
libmeego* or anything like that?

If there is a libmeego*, then clearly meego should be used in some way
for interoperability and I suggest the trademark policy changes to be
reasonable and explicitly allow use of meego as part of functional
names.  That is, drop the file name constraint above.  It's just
honest description of the upstream source of the code and not
necessarily used in product names.  File names aren't normally covered
by trademarks, are they?

If there isn't a libmeego* or similar, I guess all is well and I
thank everyone for clarifying it.
There is libmeegotouch and a lot of stuff has meego in the package
names, we can't really change that without breaking compatibility.

Some further things for Ibrahim:
       * Our team name is a unix group name and it's pkg-meego (meaning
         package software from MeeGo). The trademark is used to refer to
         the upstream part, so people know what is packaged. That's the
         same for pkg-mozilla and all the other teams, and just a
         technical detail. We'd like to keep it, since changing it is
         impossible (you need to delete the old group and create a new
         one instead).
       * I propose that we use MeeGo in other things like this:
               * Replace:
                       * Debian MeeGo Team
                       * Debian MeeGo stack maintainers
                       * Debian MeeGo packaging Team
               * By:
                       * Packagers of MeeGo-originated and related
               * This makes it clear that MeeGo refers to upstream only,
                 and that this is not officially MeeGo.

do you also have a pkg-canonical or pkg-ubuntu group for packaging Ubuntu software ?

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