On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 08:51:31 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

> The hope is that there would be few enough CC 
> licenses that most people would know the basic terms well enough that they 
> never really need to look them up, but people do need internet access to 
> look them up the first time, as well as if they ever have a detailed 
> question that you require scrutenizing the "Legal Code".

Few enough CC licenses?

12 CC-v1.0 licenses
6 CC-v2.0 licenses
6 CC-v2.5 licenses
6 CC-v3.0 licenses
3 CC-re-branded licenses [1][2][3]
1 public domain dedication
1 CC0 declaration

Without counting the incredible number of jurisdiction-specific
variants of the above mentioned licenses (some of which include
permissions or restrictions worded in such a way to differ in meaning
from the corresponding jurisdiction-neutral variant).

Are you sure there's a hope that CC licenses could be "few enough"?!?

I am personally under the impression that Creative Commons has been a
"license proliferation festival" since the beginning of the their
activity...  :-(

[1] http://creativecommons.org/license/cc-gpl
[2] http://creativecommons.org/license/cc-lgpl
[3] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/

 New location for my website! Update your bookmarks!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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