On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 12:41:18 +0100 Francesco Poli wrote:

> Since version 1.2 included an auto-upgrade clause, I was very
> interested in analyzing the version 1.3, in the hope that the
> previously mentioned issues could be fixed with this new license text.

Here's my own comments.
(If these disclaimers are useless/not-enough/ludicrous/awkward/whatever,
please come to an agreed conclusion on what a poor contributor should
do in order to participate in this mailing list discussions!)

> Free Art License 1.3
> specify to the recipient the names of the author(s) of the originals,
> including yours if you have modified the work,

This might forbid anonymous works or anonymous modifications,
which is non-free, IMO.

> specify to the recipient where to access the originals (either
> initial or subsequent).

This condition is a little improved with respect to the corresponding
one in the Free Art License version 1.2.
However, I am still a little concerned that this could mean that, in
order to distribute a work under this license, I am required, as long
as I go on distributing, to keep updated information on where recipients
can access every previous version.
What if the original changes, say, URL?  Have I to keep track of where
it goes?
What if the original vanishes?  Have I to keep a copy of the original
and make it available, in order to be able to distribute a subsequent

Both these requirements seem to be non-free.

> distribute the subsequent work under the same license or any
> compatible license.

This condition appears to be poorly drafted, since it could be
interpreted to mandate distribution as a requirement to get the
permission to modify.
Under this interpretation (which I think was not intended), this
license would force modifiers to distribute their modified versions,
even when they would rather keep them private.
Forced distribution is a non-free restriction, IMO.

> A license is compatible with the Free Art License provided:
> it gives the right to copy, distribute, and modify copies of the work
> including for commercial purposes and without any other restrictions
> than those required by the respect of the other compatibility
> criteria;
> it ensures proper attribution of the work to its authors and access
> to previous versions of the work when possible;
> it recognizes the Free Art License as compatible (reciprocity);
> it requires that changes made to the work be subject to the same
> license or to a license which also meets these compatibility
> criteria.

I think that, with these compatibility criteria, especially the last
two, the GNU GPL (v2 or v3) does not qualify as a "compatible" license,
I am not aware of any other license that meets the DFSG and may be
considered a "compatible" license.

> This license may undergo periodic modifications to incorporate
> improvements by its authors (instigators of the “Copyleft Attitude”
> movement) by way of new, numbered versions.
> You will always have the choice of accepting the terms contained in
> the version under which the copy of the work was distributed to you,
> or alternatively, to use the provisions of one of the subsequent
> versions.

Please note that this is an auto-upgrade clause.
Not a freeness issue by itself, but something to keep in mind anyway.

In summary, this license seems to be *intended* to be a Free copyleft
one (but incompatible with GPLv2 and GPLv3).
There are some issues though that seem to make it fail.

It's not a license that I would recommend, because of its issues and
lack of clarity.

 On some search engines, searching for my nickname AND
 "nano-documents" may lead you to my website...  
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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