Le jeudi 15 novembre 2007 à 17:04 +0100, Joerg Schilling a écrit :
> >CarMetal uses colorchooser https://colorchooser.dev.java.net/ wich is
> >CDDL licensed.
> If colorchooser has been developed independently from CaRMetal, and only
> CaRMetal calls colorchooser, it is indeed similar to what happens with mkisofs
> and the license mix you describe is legal too.

Please don't take Jörg Schilling's dreams for reality.

This case is different from cdrtools, and easier to solve. You only need
to get a specific exception from the authors of CarMetal to allow its
linking to colorchooser; much like the OpenSSL exception that is present
in many GPL applications.

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