On Mon, Sep 17, 2007 at 12:26:18PM +0100, Sam Clegg wrote:
> "
> In principal, we also do not object to have Perforce binaries included
> in the non-free part of the debian distribution, as long as it is clear
> that you are the sole distributor and maintainer of the packages and
> Perforce is in no way liable for their content and support.
> "

> AFAICT the binaries are freely distributable:

On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 09:49:04AM +0100, Sam Clegg wrote:
> From the first download page:
> "You may use software downloaded from Perforce for any purpose you want
> and for as long as you like. The Perforce Server supports only two users
> and five client workspaces unless used with a Perforce License. We will
> be happy to issue you a free Evaluation License to remove the
> user/workspace restrictions for a limited time."

> From the second download page:
> "Disclaimer of Warranty
> Please do not download software from this page unless you have read the
> paragraph below and agree to it.
> Perforce Software, Inc. disclaims all warranties, either express or
> implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
> merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This means that if
> you download software from this page, you agree that Perforce Software,
> Inc. has no liability for any damages that you incur when using it,
> whether or not those damages are caused by a problem with the software,
> and whether or not you have brought such problems to Perforce's
> attention."
> I beleive this is the extent of the license that applies to those who
> download the linux binaries.

There's no actual permission to distribute there, just a "you may use".
That leaves your email, but "in principle we don't object" isn't a very
strong grant of permission to redistribute, though it's not completely
terrible. Getting something a bit more definite (like "Here's what I
intend to upload to Debian non-free, does it look okay?" "Yes") and
including that in the debian/copyright would be better. Otherwise it
seems fine from what I can see.


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