On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 16:31:29 +0100 Anthony Towns wrote: [...] > Francesco is not a lawyer,
I *explicitly* wrote this disclaimer in my comment message ("The usual disclaimers: IANAL, IANADD."): I cannot understand why you seem to have such fun in pointing fingers at other people and repeating "he/she's not a lawyer!", "he/she's not a Debian developer!"... > that isn't legal advice, Since I explicitly noted that IANAL, it goes without saying that I cannot give legal advice. > it's almost > certainly not based on legal advice, I would have said so, if I had the opportunity to get legal advice on the matter. > and those sorts of questions > should be discussed with either the copyright holder of the work you > want to modify or a lawyer if you want an answer you can actually use. > > Personally, I think you'll have plenty of luck avoiding the > requirement if you talk to upstream authors about it Great! Because free software is about asking every copyright holder of each package for permission to do anything! :-( > (with the > possible exception of the FSF) So, at the end of the day, you too think that the intended meaning of the clause can be the one I am afraid it is... :-? > who can give you permission in addition > to the GPL, and not much luck if you talk to lawyers about reading it > more liberally in general. > > But YMMV and more importantly your lawyer's mileage may vary. Well, it would be interesting to hear what a real lawyer has to say about this clause and its interpretation. Especially considering that works released under the terms of GNU GPL v3 are already entering Debian: see bug #431165... Big disclaimers: IANAL, TINLA, IANADD, ATATIAAWBI (According To Anthony Towns, I Am Always Wrong Because IANADD/IANAL), ... BTW, are *you* a lawyer? Is *your* reply legal advice? Or is it *based* on legal advice? -- http://frx.netsons.org/doc/nanodocs/testing_workstation_install.html Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through? ..................................................... Francesco Poli . GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12 31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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