On 6/2/07, Michael Bode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm planning to sell PCs with a preinstalled Debian system. This in
itself should not be problematic, I guess. But do I have to handle
sources? GPL section 3 requires me to either include all sources of
the installed GPL binaries or give a written offer to ship the sources
on CD/DVD/whatever media. Is that correct, or is it ok to say 'look,
it's Debian on that machine, go to debian.org for the sources'?
What are other people who sell PCs with preinstalled Debian doing?
Thanks in advance.
I think the most practical solution would be to write an offer saying
"To obtain the source code for the software on your system, send $5 to
cover postage and media costs to Michael Bode, <insert address>. You
can also obtain the source code online... <list instructions for
downloading sources>."
Just saying 'download the sources' does not meet the requirements of
GPLv2. Writing an offer means that you won't have to worry about it
until someone actually requests it.
Andrew Donnellan
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