On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 03:42:10PM -0600, dann frazier wrote:
>  * Section 4: "Updates" requires "commerically reasonable efforts" to
>    supply our "customers" with updates that Intel distributes. If this
>    means we cannot say no to an update from Intel, that does not sound
>    reasonable for non-free. But perhaps we are exempt from this since
>    1) non-free isn't officially part of Debian and 2) we are a
>    non-commercial entity making commercially feasibility null? 
There is also the issue that Intel's update policy may not mesh well
with the stable release update policy.

What about a "downloader" that lives in contrib and just polls the Intel
site (or whatever, it can be cron-based or only happen when the admin
executes it) and downloads the whole thing, including any updates?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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