Ben Finney wrote:
> The set of permissions you receive is the *intersection* of the 
> permissions granted by all licenses to the work (as modified by
> rights you have regardless of license under copyright law). You
> may only exercise those permissions that remain.
> The set of restrictions you must meet is the *sum* of the
> restrictions required by all licenses to the work. You must
> satisfy all restrictions simultaneously, or you have no license
> to perform the desired act.

The above rules pertain specifically to distribution, correct?

I ask because the first rule does not seem to apply when you are
extracting a contained item from a container: each item is only
governed by its respective license. Thus, the licenses of all other
items are ignored and there is no intersection of permissions to be

Likewise, when doing something to an extracted item, you only need
to obey its respective license. Thus, the licenses of all other
items are ignored and there is no sum of restrictions to be considered.

Thanks for your consideration.

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