I would like to refer this bug to Debian Legal. I expected that it would be treated more serisously because its determination affects Debian's right to distribute gettext.

Basically, some files contain both a claim of copyright and a claim the file's in the public domain. I, for one, don't see how both claims can stand.

My discussion with the only author I could contact was unfruitful, but on reflection I probably should have contacted the FSF and not the author - it's the FSF that claims copyright.

See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=412310

I don't wish to participate in the discussion, I know you folk know better than I do how this sits with DFSG. My concern is that it be considered, and I couldn't find a relevant bug and that's why I reported it in the first place.

Please, don't cc me in any of this, I expect to find the resolution when the bug report's updated.



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