On Wed, 7 Mar 2007 20:13:28 +1000 Kel Modderman wrote: > Hi,
Hi! :) > > I am looking for discussion about a possibly controversially licensed > package in development, firmware-ipw2200. > > License: Intel license > > http://bughost.org/firmware/LICENSE.ipw2200-fw >From a veeeeery quick reading, I didn't spot any showstopper for distribution through the non-free archive (apart from the weird restrictions that you yourself noted, which however seem to be satisfiable by Debian), but I would feel safer if other debian-legal regulars provided their opinion... However, the license does not meet the DFSG (it's not even close to meeting them...): has Intel been contacted and asked to provide the firmware (with source code) in a DFSG-free manner (for instance, under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, or of the Expat/MIT license)? Intel has recently had some press coverage about their Free Software drivers for integrated graphics chips: I appreciated that move, maybe they are willing to get some more good publicity by freeing this firmware... [...] > Can the package qualify for inclusion in non-free? As I stated above, yes (maybe). > > Please CC: me with replies. Done. But please, avoid doing the same with me: I'm subscribed to debian-legal, so replying to the list is enough. Thanks. -- http://frx.netsons.org/progs/scripts/refresh-pubring.html Need to refresh your keyring in a piecewise fashion? ..................................................... Francesco Poli . GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12 31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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