On Fri,  8 Dec 2006 22:47:32 +0000 (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:

> Francesco Poli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What follows is my own analysis of the first draft of GNU FDL v2.
> > I welcome any comments on my reasoning.
> As you might expect from
> my summary http://mjr.towers.org.uk/blog/2006/fdl#general
> I agree with most of that reasoning,

Thanks for the URL.

> apart from:
> > > [...] Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as
> > > the publisher of these copies.
> > 
> > :::: Bad: is anonymous publication disallowed?
> I don't think it matters.  Pseudonymous publication seems possible,
> but we must watch out for developments on this uncertainty.

Well, does a "Published by anonymous" statement "crearly and legibly
identify you as the publisher" ?
I really doubt...

Hence, I'm not so sure that anonymous publication is possible.
As for pseudonymous publication (which is something different, let's
remember), I don't know whether a "Published by BlackStar" statement
satifies the clause... maybe, or maybe not... more probably not...

> > [...]
> > > If the Modified Version includes Ancillary Sections that contain
> > > no=20 material copied from the Work, you may at your option
> > > designate some=20 or all of these sections as invariant.
> > 
> > :::: Kills copyleft: anyone can add "Invariant Sections" to a GFDLed
> > work
> No, it's still copyleft, because it's still distributable under the
> same licence.  However, it can go non-free, because FDL is not
> necessarily free. Indeed, the copyleft means that the Invariant
> Section propaganda is always present.  It's a copyleft, just not a
> sort that helps free software.

Does "copyleft" mean that modified versions must stay under the same
Or does it mean that no additional restrictions may be placed on
modified versions?

I think that the keystone of copyleft is the latter, not the former.
Or otherwise the LGPL would *not* be a (weak) copyleft license, as it
has a conversion-to-GPL clause.

If you consider a GFDLed work with no Invariant Sections, it's non-free
because of the other issues with the license, *but* it does not include
any large chunk of unmodifiable and unremovable content.
If you modify that work and add some large Invariant Sections, you
obtain a work with additional restrictions, since its Invariant Sections
cannot be further modified, nor removed.

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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