On Wed, 03 May 2006 18:12:40 +0200 Heretik wrote: > - About the datas : > - Actually, they don't intend to change the license yet. They say > the > GPL is not for arts, whereas CC is. Also, there are many medias > authors and making the license change requires contacting all of them > and they don't see the point of doing this. Though, they told they > will certainly switch to CC 3 when it's out. > I've already bothered them a lot with all these licenses > considerations. They think that we are license freaks (I don't > remember their exact words) and that CC is already free enough, so > they won't switch the datas to GPL.
As I already stated, promising to switch to some yet unknown license in the future is not enough to solve a non-freeness issue. It's sad that many people go on refusing to listen to freeness concerns and happily release works in non-free manners... :-( > > So do I have to put them in a separate, non-free, source package ? Definitely. Another game that looks as if it were Free, but is *not at all*... :-(((( Dropping Tremulous from my list of interesting DFSG-free games... :-| Thanks for clarifying the situation. > > - About the tools : > - I asked the icculus team, which maintains the GPL quake3 engine on > which is based Tremulous. The lcc tools are used only for mods, so > it's not required by the quake3 engine itself, but it is required for > all the mods like Tremulous. > - They told me that these tools can't be replaced, and that > reimplenting a free version of them is pointless. Sure, like reimplementing Unix in a Free manner: is GNU/Linux pointless in their opinion? > - The copyright holders are not only AT&T but also the 2 guys from > Microsoft, so I don't think they would be any open to Debian > considerations. I could still ask them if you think it's really worth > it, but I'm quite hopeless about that. I'll leave it to you to decide... > > - The pk3 files, i.e. the datas, are actually zip files which are > built manually for releases. One of them includes the qvm files, which > are built by the tools. I can't build them because they are > timestamped and I rebuilt them, they would be incompatibles with the > servers. As I don't need nor can build them, I don't need the tools in > the source package, and I don't intend to package them anymore. > I only include the built qvm file, but they still build depends on it > upstream, although I don't build them in the package. > > - So what I did is : > - Remove the tools from the sources and rebuild the orig.tar.gz > source. > - Build the 3 packages (client, server, datas) from the single > source > package and put them in contrib. (Actually, I have a 4th package for > the docs but it's out of this scope) > > - What I will do, depending on your answer : > - Put the datas in a different source package and put it in > non-free. Definetely. > > Is it all right this way ? Client and server are under the GPL, so they can go to contrib. *Once* and *if* they do not Depend, Build-Depend or Recommend packages outside of main, they will be able to move to main. At the moment, they must Depend on the data package, since they do not provide a significant amount of functionality without the data installed. In the future, *once* and *if* someone has created DFSG-free data that enable the game engine to provide a significant amount of functionality, client and server will be able to move to main. Data are under a Creative Commons license, so they can go to non-free, at best. So to sum up: client & server in contrib data in non-free > > PS : please CC me in your answers because I'm not subscribed to the > list. OK, done. But, please, don't do the same to me, as I didn't asked others to do so (I am a debian-legal subscriber and would rather avoid downloading replies twice). Thanks. -- :-( This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS? ;-) ...................................................................... Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12 31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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