On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 12:24:12AM +0900, JC Helary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >[   ] Choice 3: pi = 3 [needs legislature of Indiana approval]
> >
> >Attempts to legislate pi are always questionable, and when you ask a
> >majority of uninformed voters[3] to choose between items, it's natural
> >for the compromise to win, and not unheard of for it to end up "3".
> Funny thing is that pi=3 was the "official" value taught in Japanese  
> schools in the last few years when pupils were introduced to the  
> value, since it was considered that decimal numbers were too  
> complex... This has been reverted last year if I remember well.

You'll have to come up with much better than words for people to believe
in that.


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