"Ross Bencina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can you please identify yourself as someone who has legal qualification to 
> make the following assertions. I am concerned that any arbitrary Debian user 
> can take offence to our license without reasonable legal grounds. I simply 
> do not know who you are.

Searching on http://db.debian.org/ provides a link to
http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/ which may help you.

Indeed, any arbitrary Debian user can file a bug report
without any reasonable grounds whatsoever. It should be up to
the maintainers to help by processing small bugs and deciding
what they forward to you. The reporter of this bug seems to
have taken a short-cut there. I don't know why.

In case you didn't notice, members of debian-release and
debian-legal have already commented on the bug reports.

> [...] and right now I am not getting a 
> clear picture that this is absolutely necessary.

I agree with this summary: right now, it seems not necessary.
These are wishlist at best, maybe even wontfix.

Best wishes,
My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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