On 2004-08-12 23:59:00 +0100 Freek Dijkstra
Given the fact that this topic seems to come up relatively often,
would it
be a good idea to put a few things into a FAQ for people to refer to?
Yes, and that's why people started work on one already. Please add to
...noticing question 26.
I think other people maintain that.
Here is a quick draft:
Q: How to find if a licence is 'free'?
I would rather not have such loose language in the FAQ. I don't care
whether a licence is "free" (whatever that means) but I care whether
the debian contains only free software.
Q: Why is licence x free, but not GPL-compatible?
Really should be in the GPL FAQ, but a simpler answer (after
It follows the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG), but the terms
of its licence and the GPL in combination do not allow us to
distribute software which satisfies both licences and follows our
Most of the rest should really really be in the GPL FAQ as a first
attempt, if they aren't already. If you want to maintain a "shadow GPL
FAQ" then go on.
Q: This is outrageous! [...]
MJR/slef My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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