[I am not subscribed to -newmaint.]

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 08:37:40PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> For that matter, I'm not quite sure we should necessarily be subjecting
> applicants to the joys of rigorous licence analysis.  We have d-legal for
> this purpose just so maintainers don't have to be licence experts.  The
> question about Pine licencing is a pretty good test of basic DFSG analytical
> ability.

The trouble is, some of the same people who are excused from doing rigorous
license analysis during P&P proceed to style themselves as licensing
experts and spitefully ridicule the people who *do* do the hard work on
debian-legal.  We've seen great many examples of this over the past few

Count me in favor of increasing the amount of licensing-oriented material
in P&P.  In my opinion, we want new developers to more easily grasp the
facts that:

1) sometimes subtle issues are involved when trying to understand a license;
2) even licenses like the BSD and GPL represent compromises with "pure freedom"
3) phenomena like "moral rights" (droit d'auteur), software patents, and
   regulations on cryptography can cause a given work under a given license
   to be de facto licensed differently in different jurisdictions that
   Debian cares about

We can't teach people to be respectful of the careful thought and analysis
that (often) goes on in -legal, but we might be able to throw enough
information at them that they are discouraged from just blindly assuming
that all problems are trivially easy, and that they enjoy a perfect
understanding of everything that all right-thinking people share.  For some
reason, some folks assert apodictic certainty about legal issues with a
fervor they wouldn't dare attempt with respect to technical software issues
for fear of being ridiculed and thought of as immature brats by their

G. Branden Robinson                |    It's extremely difficult to govern
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    when you control all three branches
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    of government.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- John Feehery

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