Florian Weimer wrote:

> * Øystein Gisnås:
>> I just wanted to consult you experts before I post an ITP on this
>> package. As far as I can see, the license (attached) holds for the
>> non-free section.
> This is from their web site:
> | (b) You are allowed to redistribute the Software, under the conditions
> | that you (i) do not modify the Software; (ii) do not remove any
> | proprietary notices from the Software; (iii) notify Skype in writing
> | via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] of your intentions to promote or
> | distribute the Skype software; (iv) clearly indicate that the Software
> | originates from Skype and use the links and graphics as published and
> | indicated on www.skype.com/go/redistribution and, if published on a
> | website, include a link to www.skype.com and a link to the download
> | location of the Software; 

> | (v) constantly monitor www.skype.com in 
> | order to ensure that you are distributing the latest stable version;
This one is literally impossible, and if not impossible, unreasonable. 
Don't even try to distribute this.

> | and (vi) do not distribute the Software for any (commercial) gain,
> | including but not limited to including the Software in any commercial
> | software bundle. However, the publishers of computer magazines for end
> | users are allowed to distribute the Software for free with their
> | magazines, provided that they meet with all aforementioned conditions.
> I don't think it's practical to include software under this license
> even in non-free.  The notification requirement is too cumbersome, and
> the hyperlink requirement can only be fulfilled by extensive
> modifications of our mirroring infrastructure.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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