On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 06:58:57PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> Nathanael Nerode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Matthew Garrett wrote:
> >> Until that's done, there's no intrinsic reason for 
> >> debian-legal's idea about the location of the line to be better than
> >> anyone else's opinion.
> >
> >We've thought about it and discussed it; they haven't!  That is an intrinsic
> >reason!
> That's a shit reason. I've thought about it and discussed it. My line is
> somewhere completely different to yours. By that argument, my opinion is
> just as good as debian-legal's.

Yes, it is.  In fact, your opinion is part of the opinion of "debian-legal". 
Nobody has veto power or supreme decision making ability here; there's no
judge who listens to our deliberations and then makes a final, binding

Your opinion is entirely as valuable as any other contributor to
debian-legal.  It is reasoned, based in the real world, and obviously comes
from quite some time spent weighing the issues.  That it differs from some
other contributors does not lessen it's importance in my view (and -- from
my observations of the debian-legal process -- in the view of debian-legal
as a whole).

In contrast, the knee-jerk reactions of people who merely see some decision
or discussion they don't like and proceed to say "no, bad debian-legal" have
very little weight in a discussion of this type, for exactly the same set of
reasons your opinions and contributions are to be valued.

- Matt

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