On 2004-07-12 05:07:03 +0100 Glenn Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[...] Once again, you're spamming the list, sending dozens
of messages without actually reading threads so you don't waste everyone's
time with repetition.  This is a very bad habit; please break it.

I don't remember "must not use off-line readers" as part of the lists code of conduct. Even so, I think a busty list like -legal suffers disproportionately if people don't use OLRs very carefully, so I humbly suggest my 3-box solution:

1. make four boxes with whatever software you use:
 Lists - mailing list incoming messages
ListMe - incoming messages directly to you or cc'd to you or in reply to you (maybe filter dups a little)
 Reply - list messages to reply to
 Draft - outgoing replies postponed

2. Download email
3. Read ListMe, then Lists... move stuff you'll reply to to Reply
4. Read Reply and write replies, saving to Draft
5. Repeat 3
6. Prune Draft contents as necessary
7. Send Draft contents

Maybe too many hoops, but it seems to work. I also simply junk a lot of Lists contents, especially if they have bad subjects or bad quoting or top-posting or...

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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