<--- Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 01:42:22PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
<> However, on the
<> same site, they have several zip files that are basically rom <databases
<> produced by running the program on directories full of ROMs, allowing <you to
<> match ROM images by their checksums. I'd like to package those <alongside
<> ucon64, but they lack true licenses. The databases constitute effort
<> (because the creators had to assemble an entire directory of ROMs), <but in
<> my opinion, no creativity (because all that was involved in the <creation was
<> running ucon64 over said directories). Are they still covered by <copyright
<> law in that case?
<No. There is no relationship between copyright and effort. Copyright
<does not subsist in a list of facts.
<They may be covered by database property laws in some jurisdictions.

Tom says:
In UE we have a directive on database, and it says that there's not copyright 
on database but there's a new IP right called "sui generis".
The difference is that it covers less rights than copyright (remember in the 
european version e.g. droit d'auter) and for less time.

But take care, 'cause i think that in usa you have a doctrine called "sweet of 
the brow" which says that a non creative work may has copyright just for the 
colletting activity. It'amezing but i red about it.
I'm not specialized in us law so others may know much more


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